Perhaps I don't understand what it is you're looking for, but...

$a = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxvalue; $i++)
        $a[$year] = $value;

but this is almost too simple, which probably just means I didn't quite
understand your question.

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On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 19:28, Martin Allan Jensen wrote:
> Sorry fellers....
> Allready figured it i see that the question was foolish....
> Anyway now i need help with something else...
> I now have some values:
> 320  -  250  -  290  -  100
> And years that fits to them:
> 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005
> How can i put these dynamic values in a array..... be carefull cause i need the 
>array to be filled active in a loop, so i CAN only define ONE year, and ONE value in 
>each LOOP!
> -- 
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