On Tuesday 31 December 2002 16:39, Paul Chvostek wrote:
> Assuming an "image" isn't necessarily graphical (i.e. it could be a
> downloadable file of any type), what are the considerations with regard
> to serving binary data out of BLOBs versus recording filenames or URLs
> in a table and serving them up by reference?
> I've got two slightly different projects that will need to do this.  The
> first is a software download site whose users buy access that lets them
> download a single file.  There will probably be only 40 or 50 files in
> the collection, updated every few weeks.  Users will log in multiple
> times to get updates to the files to which they've got "subscriptions".
> The second project has to provide more complex fraud screening -- i.e.
> stop a file from being downloaded by the same user account from too many
> different IP addresses in a given time -- but every user has equal
> access to all the files in the collection.
> What should I be considering when coming up with a strategy for these
> two projects?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of storing files
> in a BLOB versus storing pointers to those files?

The pros and cons have been covered many times before. Check out the archives.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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