OK.  I consider this an easier way.  I use it to display fullsize
images when a thumbdnail is clicked.  Same principle.

>From <head>

var pixNum="",winName="", mheight="", mwidth=""

var pixURL="http://**someURL**/";

function viewPix(pixNum,winName,mheight,mwidth) {
 win =
=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width="+ mwidth + ",height=" + mheight

>From <body>

                                <td align="center">
                                <a href="#"
src="<?=$imgpath2.$line[tnimage]?>" width="<?=$line[tn_hsize]?>"
height="<?=$line[tn_vsize]?>" border="0"></a><br><?=$line[catalog]?>

(snip ...)

This is used to display a large image after clicking on a thumbnail. 
The principle is the same regardless what you want to pass to the

Hope there is some inspiration here.


On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 09:35:04 -0500, Rich Hutchins wrote:

>>From what I have learned PHP and JS don't "talk" directly to each other.
>Instead, you have to make hidden fields in your html that hold the values
>from your database then access those hidden fields with JS. If you want to
>take values from JS and use them in a PHP script, then the process is
>reversed; make hidden fields, set their values with JS then pass the hidden
>fields to a PHP script.
>In your case the relevant (abbreviated and untested) PHP code might look
>like this:
>       //where $dbWindowHeight is a    variable that has been assigned a value from
>your db        query
>       echo "<form>".
>       "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$dbWindowHeight."\">".
>       "</form>";
>The relevant JS might look something like this:
>var height = document.form.windowHeight.value;
>Then for your window.open JS call, you'd substitute the var named height
>into the string with the rest of the chromeless information.
>If anybody knows an easier way, please post it because I'd love an easier
>alternative if one exists.
>Hope this helps. If not, I know there's a wealth of info in the PHP archives
>about this subject. That's where I learned.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Levick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 2:09 AM
>Subject: [PHP-DB] php variables to JS
>Bruce Levick - VivamotionI am opening a chromless window with some JS code.
>I need to pass some variables which come from rows in my database into the
>jscript which will determine the size and URL of the window.
>Before I go about drawing the info from the database I have set up some hard
>code php variables just so i could test how to pass these into js.
>Does anybody know how I can code these variables into my jscript??
>$h = 600;
>$w = 343;
>$theURL = test.php;
>$wname = test;
><script language="javaScript" type="text/javascript"
>function openIT() {
>theURL="wesley.php"    //php variable here
>wname ="CHROMELESSWIN"  //php variable here
>W=300;  //php variable here
>H=100;  //php variable here
>windowCERRARa = "images/close_a.gif"
>windowCERRARd = "images/close_d.gif"
>windowCERRARo = "images/close_o.gif"
>windowNONEgrf = "images/none.gif"
>windowCLOCK = "images/clock.gif"
>windowREALtit = "&nbsp;? Task title"
>windowTIT = "<font face=verdana size=1>&nbsp;your chromless</font>"
>windowBORDERCOLOR = "#000000"
>windowBORDERCOLORsel = "#000000"
>windowTITBGCOLOR = "#FF0033"
>windowTITBGCOLORsel = "#FF0033"
>openchromeless(theURL, wname, W, H, windowCERRARa, windowCERRARd,
>windowCERRARo, windowNONEgrf, windowCLOCK, windowTIT, windowREALtit ,
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