When you go through the URL, you're using GET, not POST. ALl you really have
to do is this:

$parcel_query = "SELECT * FROM land01_02_03 WHERE (PelNumber LIKE 
".$_GET["number"].") AND (OnerName1 LIKE ".$_GET["number"].") ";

Then you can drop the while loop that extracts the variables from the HTTP

I'm sure this is but one of many ways to accomplish what you want to do.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danialle Wiltsie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:39 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Getting values back out of a URL
> I am trying to get my values back out of a URL that has been 
> passed from a 
> page with a form. Here's what the URL looks like.
> searchresult.php?number=01&owner=smith&Submit=Submit
> My mySQL query is working properly if I hard code a value in, 
> but I can seem 
> to extract the values of number and owner. Here is the code I 
> was told to 
> try previously:
> <?
>       while (list($var, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
>          ${$var} = $value;
>       }
> ?>
> And here is my mySQL query:
> $parcel_query = "SELECT * FROM land01_02_03 WHERE (PelNumber LIKE 
> '${number}%') AND (OnerName1 LIKE '${owner}%') ";
> If anyone could help me out, it would be really great.
> Thanks,
> Danialle
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