Hi Rajesh

First of all I'd like to thank you for your time.

I got the script working in a way that it feeds my DB table, but I am
getting this error message: Warning: copy() [function.copy]: Unable to
access in upload1.php on line 28.

this is what I have in the 28th line :

for the moment I am trying it with one field and I am waiting to see if it's
working, and  I'll had the rest with the Captions to go with the images.

One thing I've forgot to say is though in my database instead of just having
the name of the image copied from the source (Form Field) I have the whole
path in the field (  /var/www/12/1/7/-/site/www/php1PWwsF  ), is it normal
or what?.

I've looked up in the PhpManual for copy() and it says it takes two
arguments, in that case if I did put it in this way will it work
copy($img_name1,"/repor_images/$id.$img_name1"); // $img_name1 as the source
and "repor_images/$id.$img_name1" as the destination,

$id is the unique ID from the table which I am passing it as hidden value,

I also have few questions.

Does that mean I have to have 9 copy functions as above, and just change the

Do I have to mention File size and file type for all the file Fields in the
form or will it be ok just to mention once just above the submit button?.

Thanks again

"Rajesh Fowkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 05:05:02PM +0100, Geckodeep wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Can any one guide me through the uploading file procedure please?
> >Should I use copy() function to copy the image file to a temp file and
> >rename it to the real name and then reference the name in the data base.
> >Or is there any other way.
> >Should say though my Service Provider does not support exec("cp $picture
> >/full/path/to/joesauto/images/$picture_name") as explained in one of the
> >article in phpbuilder by Willim Samplonius.
> All file system functions are not supported ?
> Otherwise you case use copy() function rather than exec().
> copy($_FILES['Imagefile1']['tmp_name'],
> Here Imagefile1 is the 'name' in the html form.
> <td width="30%"><b>Picture 1 (jpeg/png/gif)</b></td>
> <td>
>    <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000000000">
>    <input maxLength="128" name="Imagefile1" type="file" ACCEPT="image/png,
image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif">
> </td>
> Peace
> --
> Rajesh
> :
> ####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################
> Sub : Lesser known commands (tac)                    LOST #165
> Everybody has heard of cat, to concatanate files  and print to
> standard output. But have you heard of "tac" ? This reads file
> reverse. Try 'tac somefile.txt' and have a look ...  or better
> still 'tac somesound.au > /dev/audio' ... Enjoy !
> ####<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>####################################
> :

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