But how do I populate the array with (for e.g.) 2
fields from a mysql table. Each line of the select box
needs to hold the Name and Version of the piece of
software, the results from a:
select Name, Version from software


--- Corne' Cornelius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have to give the Mutli select box a name as an
> array. eg:
> <OPTION VALUE="key1">val1</OPTION>
> then in PHP, you can access $experts as an array.
> while (list ($key, $val) = each($experts))  {
>    print "$key = $val<BR>\n";
> }
> Jason End wrote:
> >I writing a software catalog that features
> "experts",
> >who a people especially skilled in a piece of
> >software. My db, has a "software" table and an
> >"experts" table. 
> >I need to have a page that generates 2 multiple
> select
> >boxes, each on with the data from each table. 
> >>From there one will be able to choose the software
> >program and the experts, which will then record the
> >software-expert relationship in the DB. 
> >
> >The problem is that I don't really understand how
> to
> >populate multi select boxes with db data, and then
> >have the selections passed back as inserts. 
> >
> >Can someone clue me in?
> >
> >thanks, 
> >
> >Jay
> >
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