I've got a page with lot's of visitors every day and I sure hope to 
get more, so I'm already thinking of performance. This is what I've

Users select one or more things out of a couple drop down menus,
no big deal. Their selection is than shown, with a limitation of
20 results on the page. 

Now comes my question, what is better speaking of performance: 
When users go on to the next page, is it better to 
provide the select statement again with a different integer for
the limit? 

Or is better to do a full select without a limitation on first page.
But than I don't know how to provide the result set for the 
next, next, ... page?

What would be your choice? I'm open to suggestions, maybe somebody has
a totally different idea. The limitation of 20 is a wish of my customer.
I think, most vistors won't stay on page one, but will click thru
some pages further. The max. number of results shown should be around
1000 hits.


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