In response to your bullet points...

        1. Built in mysql_ functions in php (does perl have this?)
                Perl does not have "built in" functions for MySQL or any
other database.  The Perl functions are all added through modules.  This is
somewhat annoying as compared to PHP in that if you want to keep things
current, for the sake of keeping current, you have to update not only Perl,
but the DBI module and the DBD driver module also.  This is not to say that
you need to keep all of these individual components "current".

        2. Php may be faster.
                This is true, more so in some situations than in others.  If
you are dealing with Apache, you can compile Perl directly into the web
server as a module.  This is very efficient.  However, my understanding is
that getting Perl compiled into Apache is very tricky.

        3. Embedded in html - no separate cgi directory needed.
                Yes.  The PHP code can be directly imbedded into your HTML
pages, but this is not always the best way to go.  Often you will want to
"extract" some information like database user IDs and passwords and store
these in an alternate directory location for security reasons.  You can also
"include" other files with commonly used functions and these may or may not
reside in your regular website structure.

        4. Perl is more mature - more support - more depth to language.
                Yes.  Perl is more mature in that it has most definitely
been around much longer.  In fact, PHP was derived from the authors
frustrations with using certain aspects of Perl.  That said, remember that
Perl is NOT a web scripting language, it is a multipurpose scripting
language that has been extended to handle web scripting.  PHP on the other
hand is a dedicated web scripting language.

        The key thing to remember is that Perl and PHP are both tools.  Some
people may prefer one tool over another for their own personal reasons.
Pick the tool that best suits your purpose, and the one that you feel most
comfortable with.  If you have a LOT of Perl CGI experience, I don't know
that PHP would really offer you a great reason to go out and learn another
language (thought PHP is quite similar).  I would recommend PHP if you are
new to web scripting though, simply because this is exactly what PHP has
been developed for from the ground up.
        Good luck, and I hope this helps.  I am sure that some of the other
experts, of which I am not one, will chime in to add their opinions and
correct any of my errors.  One other big advantage of PHP is this mailing
list.  The people in this list are quite knowledgeable and extremely
helpful.  I honestly have not found a group this supportive and responsive
for my Perl scripting.  (This last may sound like sucking up, but it's the
honest truth.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mignon Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] compare php and perl

Can anyone out there compare these two using with mysql and web apps -
What I can gather so far from my limited experience with both and a
little googling:

1. Built in mysql_ functions in php (does perl have this?)
2. Php may be faster.
3. Embedded in html - no separate cgi directory needed.
4. Perl is more mature - more support - more depth to language.


Mignon Hunter
Web Developer
Toshiba International
713.466.0277 x 3461

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