Hi Leston

In case Leif, doesn't get back to you, here's a way to do it (inline). Similar to what 
Mustafa has already posted:-

On 01 Apr,2003 at  8:35 Leston Drake wrote:

> For us novices, can you please share how you would do this with 
> register_globals off?
> >><?php
> >>
> >>// need this on all pages where you want to work with // the session var
> >>session_start();
> >>
> >>// Check for the existence of the session var and create
> >>// it if it doesn't exist
> >>if (!session_is_registered("ses_username")) {

// Check if session var is set
if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS["ses_username"])) {
        // check to see if we have a posted var from form
        if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["frm_username"])) {
                // We have no session var and a form var 
                // waiting for us

// Now $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["ses_username"] exists and contains
// the username

> >>         session_register("ses_username");
> >>}
> >>
> >>// Are we getting a form var thru ?  if so pop it into the session > >>var

You can shorten $HTTP_SESSION_VARS to $_SESSION if PHP version > 4.1.0.


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