On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 21:49, Becoming Digital wrote:
> I'm wearing the stupid hat today, so please pardon this.  I know I must be
> overlooking something.
> I have a small catalogue with two tables (categories, products) from which I'm
> trying to display items.  I'm trying to print the contents as below without
> using two queries, but I'm having a difficult time with it.
>     cat1
>         prod1
>         prod2
>     cat2
>         prod1
>         prod2
>     etc.
> I think this came up fairly recently, but I cannot for the life of me figure out
> what search terms would answer this question.  As you can see from the message
> subject, I don't even know how to refer to my problem.  Thanks a lot for all
> your help.
> Edward Dudlik
> Becoming Digital
> www.becomingdigital.com

  Hi Ed, 
 The magic word is "DISTINCT" :)
 $query="SELECT DISTINCT(category) AS cat_name FROM table_name";
 print "<ul>";
 while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    print "<li>".($row["cat_name"])."";
    $query1="SELECT productname FROM tablename WHERE
    while ($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
       print "<li>".($row1["productname"])."";
    print "</ul>";
print "</ul>";

I hope this helps..

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