as Robert and me observed (from source code) - that switch isn't there in 4.1.2
after installing 4.3.1 there is no problem with date format - switch is working


Robert Twitty wrote:

> I don't have access to the source code for PHP 4.1.2,  but I would not be
> suprised if this was the case.  However, it is a better practice to use
> CONVERT rather than relying on the underlying driver, that way you will
> always be certain about the format.
> -- bob
> On Tue, 13 May 2003, Peter Misun wrote:
> >
> > ups, i'm using PHP 4.1.2 on Win32
> > maybe that earlier version doesn't support this switch?
> >
> > I can try upgrade but I don't want to - so if you know ...
> >
> > 5o


Mgr. Peter Misun
MicroStep-MIS, Ilkovicova 3, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel: +421/ 2/ 602 00 127, 111,  fax: +421/ 2/ 602 00 180

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