Hi All,

I have a sign up page and when the user submit, it goes to a confirmation page, before 
the person actually submits.

The confirmation page stores the username and password in the Session variable and the 
submit page stores it into the database by getting it from the session. The rest of 
the information (eg. address) is resubmited via hidden input type.

The question is : I want to reserve the username for the person(say A) while he/she is 
in the confirmation page and perhaps going back to edit some stuff. What is the best 
way to do that?

I tried putting it in my database in a Logintemp table. With the same fields as the 
Login table. When the user submits, the Logintemp contents is moved to the Login table.

The problem is what if while A is staring at the screen the computer hangs. How do I 
know if he/she closes the page altogether. I need to delete the contents of Logintemp 
since it was not moved to Login.

Is there any other better way to do this?  

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