> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Fingold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 03 June 2003 16:58
> Ok I'm trying to write this function to up date some fields 
> in my database
> so i'm grabbing some info from a query and throwing it into 
> an array (with
> mysql_fetch_array).
> one of the values i'm puting into that array is the table id. I'm then
> comparing the table id with the value of $i in my loop. Now 
> my problem is
> when I loop through and the table id is not equal to $i I 
> need to add 1 to
> $i but I need to move the array pointer back one.
> In the code below I used prev() but i'm getting warnings 
> about the "Passed
> variable is not an array".
> http://55yardline.cflmain.com/55main/2003/fantasy/tests/update.php
> I'm thinking that prev() must not view an array fetch from a 
> database the
> same or something. But what else can I use besides prev() to 
> rewind the
> pointer by 1?
> Thanks,
> <?php
> include "function.php";
> connect1();
> //query roster database and put results into an array.
> $num1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM roster");
> $num2 = mysql_fetch_array($num1);
> //set i to zero
> $i = 0;
> //start loop to determine if $i matches the current roster id
> do {
>   $i = $i + 1;
>   if ($num2["ros_id"] == $i) {
>     //if a match is found, query the fan_roster database 
> where the play_id =
> $i
>     //and put the results into a array
>     $upd = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fan_roster WHERE play_id='$i'");
>     $updr = mysql_fetch_array($upd);
>     //loop through the passing field and add them up
>     do {
>         $passing = $passing + $updr["pass_yrd1"];
>     } while($updr = mysql_fetch_array($upd));
>     //Print feedback
>     echo "Player:$i total Passing: $passing $updr[play_id]<br>";
>     //update the roster table with the total $passing where ros_id=$i
>     $upd1 = mysql_query("UPDATE roster SET pass_yrd='$passing' WHERE
> ros_id='$i'");
>     //reset passing for next loop
>     $passing = 0;
>   } else {
>     //if there isn't a match, add 1 to $i
>     $i = $i + 1;
>     //print feedback
>     echo "$i no player<br>";
>     //put the array pointer back one for next loop
>     $num2 = prev($num2["ros_id"];

(1) prev() takes an array as its argument, not an individual element, so prev($num2) 
would be syntactically correct (but I doubt it's what you really mean).
(2) anyway, this whole statement is pointless as you immediately do:

>   }
> } while($num2 = mysql_fetch_array($num1));

Which promptly overwrites the value of $num2 you just put there!

What are you *really* trying to do?
> ?>
> -- 
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