At 09:16 PM 6/19/2003 -0500, Joshua Stein wrote:

"it won't cause any problems. you'll have the very small overhead of having to run every static page through php's parser, but if you're going to have php in these pages in the future it doesn't really matter."

> Also, I'm thinking of naming all my pages "index" and sticking them inside
> folders.

"again, no problems. just make sure your web server is setup to search for index.php as a directory index page."

I don't know exactly what you mean, but I just renamed one of my pages (using Dreamweaver) with a .php extension, previewed it in Mozilla, and it worked fine. This is the address displayed in the browser:


However, when I pasted the URL into Internet Explorer. So I linked to the page from page X, previewed page X in IE and clicked the link and was taken to C:\sites\geosymbols\waldman.php

That's weird. I never even realized my two browsers displayed "localhost" links differently - "file:///c" versus "C:," and forward slashes versus back slashes.

But I assume that means my server is set up properly. As long as I can preview my pages, I can't complain!

* * * * * * * * * *

Doug Thompson:

"You or your company better get busy and hire a competent programmer to complete your project in the alloted time; or you might consider posting to a list of a more general nature and see if anyone there wants to do your work for no pay."

So you're saying I should get php installed and running on my pages before I change the extensions? I wouldn't ask anyone to my work for no pay; I have more than 300 pages on my site, and it's a fairly complex project.

* * * * * * * * * *
Mike Brum:

"You can easily add the .php extension to any .htm(l) page that you have with no worries as long as you have PHP installed and configured properly.

"The only "problem" is that page load will be SLIGHTLY slower since PHP will search all .php pages for PHP code to evaluate. Upon finding none, it will simply return the HTML to the requester. But note that this is a tiny bit longer than your web server just serving the page without passing it through PHP.

"Naming all files "index.XXX" will be a good idea. Though realize that some people might link directly to the file itself (which can sometimes become visible with different browsers and different activities). But none-the-less, it will work for most users if they do decide to bookmark the folder."

Alright, it sounds like a go. Thanks for all the tips.

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