Tommy Apel said:
> Hi I'm having a little problem ondestanding whats going on....
> The problem is that some and only some of my odbc_exec()'s functions while
> others don't and cause an segmentation fault in apache1/2
> My configuration is SuSE 8.1 with Apache2.0.44, PHP4.3.1 --with-iODBC
> after
> that i've added FreeTDS 0.61 as ODBC-driver for MS-SQL2K, now this works
> fine some of the way but not always
> Exampel:
> odbc_exec($conn,"select id,name from $user_db.dbo.users"); // Works fine
> no
> problem
> odbc_exec($conn,"select * from $user_db.dbo.users where (id = '$idz')");
                                                          ^           ^
                            Are you sure you need those parenthesis???

> //
> Does not work and causes seg fault (11)
> Can anyone maby help me explain this error
> Regards
> Tommy
> --
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