On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Paul B. [pbcomm, aka WPD] wrote:

> Hi, i'm working on the site that involves a lot ot categories and subs there
> of ... The way i have things now is that the structure goes one sub deep ...
> Ex:
>     PHP -> Database
>     PHP -> Books
>     in the DB it looks like:
>         id 1 name PHP parent 0
>         id 2 name Database parent 1
> this way its easy to show dinamicaly where the user is (PHP: Database) by
> prividing
> index.php?dir=1&sub=1.
> What i want to do, is go 3 or 4 subs deep. I just wanted to get an idea on
> the best posible way of doing this.


 Then select * from DB where id=2
 that gives you

 2  Database    1

 If parentid!=0
    select * from DB where id=parentid (1 in this case)
    push $name onto an array (database is now array index 0)

 Then you'll have

 1  PHP         0

 Know you know you are at the top.
    push $name onto an array (PHP is now array index 1)

 Now just pop them off the array (PHP -> Database -> end of array)

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             http://www.purplecow.com/

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