
Does the query return data when executed not through a browser but
directly on the database? 
If yes, how much time does it take to return the data. I believe default
time out for apache is 30 seconds. 
So maybe it's a webserver setting that needs to be increased.


-----Original Message-----
From: Don Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:23 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Need help with a OpenLink ODBC driver error again 

Ok this time I checked the SQL select syntax! So I hope it's not
something that easy again (Well actually easy would be nice....)

The other day I Posted a email question about getting a 37000 sql error
but my sql syntax was wrong. Yes I felt stupid but this time I corrected
the syntax and I am still getting an error but, the error is that the
web browser "times-out" trying to get the page. (Nothing displayed and a
browser error

"Could not open the page ³http://² because
Safari could not load any data for this location."

I get the same type of thing with Internet Explorer.

Here is a recap.

I am using iodbc from openlink on OS X and everything seems fine. I can
get and display tables with:

$results = odbc_tables($conn) or die("<P>".odbc_errormsg());
odbc_result_all($results) or die("<p>pulling result error");

(full syntax below)

But when I switch to

$results = odbc_exec($conn,$sql) or die("<p> captured
odbc_result_all($results) or die("<p>pulling result error");

I get an:
"Could not open the page ³http://² because
Safari could not load any data for this location."

Any ideas? Why tables work but SQL Select doesn't?

Also I have a 5 user openlink license. how do I reset the connections
after I get 5 errors because I think the connections are not dropped
when PHP gets an error? The only way I can get to 5 lic. Limit to reset
is to restart os x? Sudo apachectl restart doesn't seem to work either?

Full Syntax:


putenv("ODBCINI=/Library/ODBC/odbc.ini"); //odbc.ini contains your DSNs.

$dsn="DSNname"; // this is a valid DSN ’ can be tested in odbctest
$sql="SELECT * FROM tblDepartments";

$conn=odbc_connect("$dsn","$user","$password") or die ("<p>couldn't
echo "connected to DSN: $dsn";
echo "<BR><b>SQL:</b> $sql<BR>";

//$results = odbc_exec($conn,$sql) or die("<p> captured
".odbc_errormsg()); $results = odbc_tables($conn) or

odbc_result_all($results) or die("<p>pulling result error");

echo "closing connection $conn";

Don Myers

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