On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

> From: "Peter Beckman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I have this data:
> >
> >     Table Log: appid   userid points  date    type
> >     Table Score: appid userid score
> >
> > I want to verify that the last entry in table log of type "x" is equal to
> > the sum of the scores in table score for the same appid and userid.
> >
> > Can I do this in SQL easily?  My problem is selecting the correct (most
> > recent) row in log in which to match the score.
> >
> > Basically I want a report of AppID, TeamMemberID, log.points, score.score
> > that shows where points != score;
> Why do you have a score table at all? That's just repeating data when you
> can always do a SUM query on the "log" table to get the score...
> Athough...
> SQL example:

Almost; Here's the hard part:

mysql> select logid, type, date, ApplicationID, TeamMemberID, Points from
log where applicationid=19933 and teammemberid=63 and type="Promotion"
order by date desc;
| logid | type      | date                | ApplicationID | TeamMemberID | Points |
|  2966 | Promotion | 2003-08-14 17:43:22 |         19933 |           63 |     71 |
|  2381 | Promotion | 2003-08-01 13:02:56 |         19933 |           63 |     81 |
|  2373 | Promotion | 2003-08-01 12:54:20 |         19933 |           63 |     81 |
|  2105 | Promotion | 2003-07-31 15:06:55 |         19933 |           63 |     84 |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select ApplicationID, TeamMemberID, sum(score) as score from score
where Applicationid=19933 and teammemberid=63 group by ApplicationID,
| ApplicationID | TeamMemberID | score |
|         19933 |           63 |    96 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

I want to see the comparison done with the most recent row of type
"Promotion" from the log table:
| ApplicationID | TeamMemberID | log_score | score |
|         19933 |           63 |        71 |    96 |

Can it be done with a single query?  I can do it brilliantly easily in
code, but I like the challenge of doing it in SQL.

Peter Beckman                              Director of Internet Initiatives
North American Management                            http://www.nambco.com/
703.683.0292 x239                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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