Cheers - Neil
<html> <head> <title>Demo Hotel Loader</title> </head>
<body onload="populatelist()"> <script language="javascript1.2"> <!-- oxmlDocument = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); oxmlDocument.load("hotels.xml");
function populatelist() { var hotels=oxmlDocument.selectNodes("/hotels/hotel"); if (hotels != null) { d=document.forms["hotelupdate"].list; d.length=0; d[0]=new Option('--Please Select--','',true); for (i=0;i<hotels.length;i++) { d.length++; d[i+1]=new Option(); d[i+1].value=hotels[i].selectSingleNode("id").text; d[i+1].text=hotels[i].selectSingleNode("name").text; } } }
function populatevalues() { d=document.forms["hotelupdate"]; // Get hotel ID # v=d.list[d.list.selectedIndex].value; // Use this to read the hotel/phone node having this hotel ID field=oxmlDocument.selectSingleNode("/hotels/hotel[id='"+v+"']/phone"); // Set form's phone field to the text of this node; // Now to read the hotel/address node having this hotel ID field=oxmlDocument.selectSingleNode("/hotels/hotel[id='"+v+"']/address"); // Set form's address field to the text of this node d.address.value=field.text; } //--> </script>
<form name="hotelupdate" id="hotelupdate" action="post" method="" onsubmit="alert('This would send these values to your website');return false;">
<select name="list" id="list" onchange="populatevalues()"></select> Phone :
<input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" size="15" maxlength="24" />
<br />
<textarea name="address" id="address" rows="3" cols="40" wrap="virtual"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send !" />
</body> </html>
At 13:25 20/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 20:02:43 +0000 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Neil Smth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Read file
It's usually easier to show with an example : This took about 30 minutes to write :
Here's an XML file - copy and paste, and save as hotels.xml :
<?xml version="1.0"?> <hotels> <hotel> <id>1</id> <name>Bangkok oriental</name> <address>50 High Street, Kowloon</address> <phone>+12 451 708 3282</phone> </hotel> <hotel> <id>2</id> <name>Hilton Marriott</name> <address>2042 Michael Wood Street</address> <phone>+44 238 9125467</phone> </hotel> <hotel> <id>3</id> <name>Swallow Royal</name> <address>91-97 Royal Fort Crescent</address> <phone>+01 1209 432 2345</phone> </hotel> </hotels>
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