Hi , please help this newbie , how to make my database view from

[1]  [2]   [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]


<<< 1   2   3    4  >>>

Thanks very much

> $numresult = mysql_query("select * from dataiklanbaris order by id desc");
> $jumlah = mysql_num_rows($numresult);
> $limit = 20;
> if (empty($offset)) {
> $offset = 0;
> }
> $query = "select * from dataiklanbaris order by id desc limit $offset,
> $limit";
> //pembagian halaman dimulai
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $halaman = intval($jumlah/$limit);
> if ($jumlah%$limit) {
> $halaman++;
> }
> for ($i = 1; $i<=$halaman; $i++) {
> $newoffset=$limit*($i-1);
> if ($offset != $newoffset) {
> echo " [<a href=\"lihatiklan.php?offset=$newoffset\">$i</a>]";
> } else {
> echo "[$i]";
> }
> }
> //pembagian halaman selesai
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> echo ("
> <tr>
>     <td width=\"330px\"><font size =\"3\">$row[isiiklan]<br></td>
>     <td width=\"50px\"><p align =\"center\"><font size
> =\"2\">$row[lt]<br></td>
>     <td width=\"50px\"><p align =\"center\"><font size
> =\"2\">$row[lb]<br></td>
>  <td width=\"70px\"><p align =\"center\"><font size
> =\"2\">$row[harga]<br></td>
>  <td width=\"100px\"><p align =\"center\"><font size
> =\"2\">$row[kecamatan]<br></td>
<td width=\"100px\"><p align =\"center\"><font size
<td width=\"100px\"><a href=\"detail.php?id=$row[id]\"
align =\"center\"><font size =\"2\">$row[gambar]<br></a></td>


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