
On 12/16/2003 10:04 PM, Jerry wrote:
Actually I just relised what you meant. :P  And that
would work great by having it like that.. Something
like this would work fine.

If the email bounces return it to

So I would set the sender as whatever I want and the
return_path as a way to identify the user?  Is that
what you meant?

That would mean I'd need a way to fetch the to:
address from the pop3.php, how is this possible?

At the pressent time I am doing everything manually. So I am going into the email and grabbing the address,
doing a search on the database and when found flagging
the account with abad email address. Quite time
consuming when alot of bounces occours.

So an automatic way to fasten up the process would be
great.  I don't mind if I have to activate the script
manually.  Just be great to have things moving along a
bit faster than the pressent speed.

Actually I start a PHP script from the cron task that runs every 5 minutes using PHP CGI executable version. I just process upto 100 bounced messages per run avoid hogging the database server and blocking the POP3 mailbox for a long time, as this is not a prioritary task.


Manuel Lemos

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