Hi Mark

An alternative solution for connecting to MS Access is odbtp.  Details are
available at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net.  It provides better support for
ODBC, especially in regards to MS Access.  Take a look at the
storedqry.php example at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net/examples.html.  It
shows how to execute a MS Access stored query.

The odbtp extension has a higher performance, and it allows you to
remotely connect to your Access database from any platform.

-- bob

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Galbreath, Mark A wrote:

> Yes, I'm a newbie to PHP, but I got a phpBB2 BBS online in a day and I'm
> psyched.
> My problem is, the PHP docs and API mention that ODBC is built into PHP 4.x
> but I can't figure out how to use it.  I would like to access the M$ Access
> JET engine directly from a PHP page.  Any clues?
> tia,
> Mark
> --
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