I want to:
Populate a dropdown list with values from a MySQL db (done and working).
Use the selected value as the 'where' clause in a second query.
Return the results and display them to the user.

Any pointers are appreciated - noob^3 (html, mysql, and php).


Code that I'm using:


// connect to db
$db = mysql_connect("localhost");

// build query
$sitequery = "SELECT site from sitedata order by site";

// generate result set
$siteresult = mysql_query($sitequery);

// use results
echo "Select a site from the list below: <br><br><select name='site'>";
while($siterow = mysql_fetch_array($siteresult))
    echo "<option value='".$siterow["site"]."'>"
echo "</select></td>";



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