----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hull, Douglas D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For example, say I have a variable $mytext = 'what up doc'.  Now I want to
add the text 'not much' to the end of this variable.  But I want to place a
return or linefeed after the original text so when I echo $mytext it looks

what up doc
not much

I tried:
$mytext = 'what up doc';
$mytext .= chr(10) . 'not much';    I also tried chr(13)

10 is linefeed and 13 is carriage return.

What is missing is the markup interpreted by the browser.  (Check the source
after the script is processed).  Something like this perhaps?

$mytext = "<p style='margin:0'>what up doc</p>";
$mytext .= chr(10) . "<p style='margin:0'>not much</p>";

The source of the document received from the server as text/html reads

<p style='margin:0'>what up doc</p>
<p style='margin:0'>not much</p>

and this is interpreted and displayed by the browser as

what up doc

not much


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