I had something like this too.
I used something other for the start and ending blocks.
<# .... #>
Then had a replace() section.

> Hi there,
> I (still :-) ) have the code of my php pages stored in a database. A main
> page parses this code using the "eval_html" function postet at php.net.
> This
> used to work fine, but then I tried to employ conditioned blocks, e.g.
> <? while (foo) { ?>
>   <p>Hello World</p>
> <? }?>
> The function I use seperates this code in three parts (1st: <? while (foo)
> { ?>) and tries to eval every single one. This of course causes an error
> because neither "while (foo) {" nor "}" is valid statement.
> Anybody knows a workaround (that doesn't mean putting all HTML output in
> "echo" commands) ??
> Thanks
> --
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