> > If you are able to place the Access database on a Windows machine that can
> > be accessed by the Linux machine, then you can use odbtp.  You can get it
> > at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net.
> >
> > -- bob
> My problem is i can't modify my PHP code. Actually the web site runs on a
> windows2000 workstation and odbc work fine, y want to port this website with
> minimal modifications on a linux machine.
> I don't have time to code another system to import my access database.
Then this may be difficult for you.  Open source ODBC support for MS
Access on Linux is only available with MDB Tools.  Depending on what you
are doing, it may not behave the same as the MS Access ODBC driver on
Windows.  If you were using a DB abstraction library like ADODb or PEAR
DB, then porting would not be difficult.  IF you cannot get MDB Tools to
work, you may need to find a commercial MS Access ODBC driver that works
on Linux. Take a look at http://bryanmills.net:8086/archives/000099.html.
It shows you how to configure MDB Tools and unixODBC to work with PHP.

-- bob

> Olivier FONTES
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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