El Vie 21 May 2004 14:48, D. Sandmann escribió:
> Any help would be appreciated on this. I have already asked this question
> on the regular PHP and Informix news groups and have not had any luck.
> Maybe one of you can resolve my problem.
> I have had this problem in the past on another machine and fixed it by
> setting the environment variables for INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER. When
> adding the same lines on the new machine I still get the following message:
>  Warning: ifx_pconnect(): E [SQLSTATE=IX 001 SQLCODE=-1829] in
> C:\webroot\PHPinclude\db_vars.inc on line 7

Maybe it's becuase Informix has some problems. I don't know how it works on 
windows, but on UNIX I would run:

$ finderr -1829

That would give me a discription of the error that Informix gave Apache.

Try it.

 09:20:02 up 7 days, 19:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.60, 0.49, 0.37
Martín Marqués        | select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'
Centro de Telematica  |  DBA, Programador, Administrador
             Universidad Nacional
                  del Litoral

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