i do not really experience this problem.. i can click through the links
easily.. hmm.. your question sets me thinking.. do you think it has to do
with some VPN thing? my system is an intranet system and the users log on to
it through a VPN.. do you think it will cut my sessions?!

by the way, I saw this note on php.net under the gc_maxlifetime section:

Note: If you are using the default file-based session handler, your
filesystem must keep track of access times (atime). Windows FAT does not so
you will have to come up with another way to handle garbage collecting your
session if you are stuck with a FAT filesystem or any other fs where atime
tracking is not available. Since PHP 4.2.3 it has used mtime (modified date)
instead of atime. So, you won't have problems with filesystems where atime
tracking is not available.

do you think by upgrading it will solve all my problems?!

thanx a million!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Torsten Roehr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Re: $_Session vs $_Cookie

> "Ng Hwee Hwee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > hi..
> >
> > the situation is like this: my clients' $_SESSION gets destroyed even
> after
> > only a few seconds of inactivity! so, with my current setting for
> > gc_maxlifetime (1440), it should be more than enough to have their
> sessions
> > registered for the few minutes, right? thus, i deduce that the solution
> may
> > not lie in my gc_maxlifetime value?? please correct me if I'm wrong!
> You're right, the session should at least be active for the specified
> gc_maxlifetime - no matter if the users click a link or not. So even if
> user clicks only once to start the session and then clicks again after 20
> minutes the session should still be valid. If it's not I guess there is
> something wrong on your server because the session should be alive even if
> the user is not requesting any pages. Do all users have this problem and
> you have it yourself?
> Torsten

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