Well, the exact message is: "Unable to load dynamic library php_oci8.dll: The specified procedure could not be found"
If I remove the library the message becomes "The specified module could not be found." It seems to be able to find the library (all the paths are correct) but it seems that this php_oci8.dll file is the wrong version or that it is looking for an additional DLL that it can't find OR that it can find the additional DLL but it is the wrong version. If I only knew what DLL was needed!

Christopher Jones wrote:

The error sounds like an environment problem. Check phpinfo() to see what paths are being used - see the FAQ.


Philippe wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply, Chris. My oracle 8i client setup does work on XP independently of PHP. I can connect to Oracle using PERL, ODBC, Java as well as a database management tool called Aqua Data Studio which uses native connections.

Christopher Jones wrote:

Philippe wrote:

I am experiencing the message in the title of this message when starting or restarting Apache. I have the following configuration:

- Windows XP
- Apache 2.0.49
- PHP 4.3.6
- Oracle Client 8i

If anyone has any information as to why this is happening and how I can solve it, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

There might be something in


that helps.

Does your Oracle 8i DB work OK on XP independent of PHP? I forget when/if
this combo was certified.


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