Could anyone, please, help me with this one. If I add the insert inside the loop it 
inserts as many orders in the order table as products have been chosen. There is 
really no way to split this?  

I have a problem with a script that gets the ID's of the selected products from the 
previous script and shows them with mysql_fetch_object. Now I'd like to insert them in 
the db, but when I pass every value to $vars and insert them it inserts only one of 
the selected products. I tried a change with mysql_fetch_array, with split and 
implode, ...useless. How can I get the products to be apart without breaking the 
values, ie, put name of all the selected products in name field in the db, put serial 
number of the selected products in serial field in the db, etc?:
while($isc = mysql_fetch_object($antw)){
if (!empty($isc->pic)) {
echo ("<img src='$isc->pic' width='50'><br>");
if (!empty($isc->Meas)) {
echo ("$isc->infMeas<br>");
if (!empty($isc->Name)) {
echo ("$isc->Name, ");
if (!empty($isc->Ref)) {
echo ("$isc->Ref,<br>");
$ipic = $isc->pic;
$iMeas = $isc->Meas;
$iName = $isc->Name;
$iRef = $isc->Ref;
$dem = "INSERT INTO orders VALUES('$ipic','$iMeas','$iName','$iRef');

By the way how can I get them apart in the previous page by rows of 3 products each in 
the table?:
echo ("<table width=100% border=1 align=center cellspacing=0 
cellpadding=5 bordercolor=#0000FF");
while ($inb = mysql_fetch_object($resultprd))
echo ("<tr><td width='20%'>");
if (!empty($inb->pic)) {
echo ("<img src='$inb->pic' width='200'><br>");
} else {
echo ("<img src='http://.../notaval.gif' width='200'><br>");
if (!empty($inb->Type)) {
echo ("$inb->Type,<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Name)) {
echo ("$inb->Name<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Ref)) {
echo ("$inb->Ref<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Meas)) {
echo ("$inb->Meas<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Ref)) {
echo ("$inb->Ref<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Serial)) {
echo ("<strong>SERIAL N°: $inb->Serial</strong><br>");
if (!empty($inb->Description)) {
echo ("DETAILS: $inb->Description,<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Artw)) {
echo ("$inb->Artw,<br>");
if (!empty($inb->Cover)) {
echo ("$inb->Cover,<br>");
echo ("</td></table>");

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