Mac users, please forgive such a Windows-centric question, but I need your help. And 
you can educate me in the process. I am helping a student of mine set up a development 
environment with php, mysql, and a webserver, and she uses a Mac. Are there any 
installation issues unique to mac that I should warn her about?

Can you recommend a simple web server - she is brand new to server-side work and I am 
trying to make this as painless as possible. Usually I recommend that students use 
Xitami, but I don't believe it comes in a Mac flavor. Does the Mac OS come with a 
server, such as IIS on Windows? Does Apache work well with Mac? Is there anything 

And here's a question I've never thought about. If she installs MySQL on a Mac, and 
she wants to admin the server through a command line --- does Mac have a command line 
tool to work with? Typically, when you think command line you think of the old dos 
prompt. What does the Mac have that will give us command line access?

Again, please excuse my ignorance, but here is an opp to educate those of us stuck in 
a MS POV. Thank you in advance.


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