On my LAMP system, I am using the http post method for uploading files from the 
browser into the
/tmp directory.  Then using  the MySQL "load file" command to load that file into the 
Well at least I am trying to.

The upload to the /tmp directory is working fine, but due to file permissions, the 
load into the
db is failing.

Apache/PHP is running as nobody:nobody (I have tried different groups with no luck)
MySQL is running as mysql:mysql

permissions on /tmp are currently: 
drwxrwxrwx   12 root     root         4096 Sep 25 22:17 tmp

permissions on a file that has been uploaded to /tmp are currently:
-rw-------    1 nobody   nobody       255775 Sep 25 22:17 test.csv

If I change the permissions on the file to world-readable the db load works as 
expected.  Any
ideas on how to get Apache/PHP to write the file to /tmp as world-readable would be 
appreciated.    Of course if I should be taking a different approach, I would be 
welcome to
recommendations there as well.


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