Not exactly sure what I did here.  
there are 5 skill textfields name skill[]
then the years sky[]
then the last used slu[]

I was following the format of my other arrays, so
stored them list this:

if ( empty( $_SESSION['l_skill'] ) ) {

if ( is_array( $_REQUEST['skill'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['l_skill'] = array_unique(
array_merge( $_SESSION['l_skill'],
 $_REQUEST['skill'] )
if ( empty( $_SESSION['l_years'] ) ) {

if ( is_array( $_REQUEST['sky'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['l_years'] = array_unique(
array_merge( $_SESSION['l_years'],
 $_REQUEST['sky'] )
if ( empty( $_SESSION['l_lastu'] ) ) {

if ( is_array( $_REQUEST['slu'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['l_lastu'] = array_unique(
array_merge( $_SESSION['l_lastu'],
 $_REQUEST['slu'] )

I think that is all fine, but I think at the critical
moment (setup for database transaction is where my
problem is and it's probably slight)Read past the code
for my explanation.

if ( is_array( $_SESSION['l_skill'] ) ) {
        foreach ( $_SESSION['l_skill'] as $s ) {
                if ( is_array( $_SESSION['l_years'] ) ) {
                        foreach ( $_SESSION['l_years'] as $x ) {
                                        if ( is_array( $_SESSION['l_lastu'] ) ) {
                                                        foreach ( $_SESSION['l_lastu'] 
as $z ) {

$query = "INSERT INTO .............)
VALUES ($...., '$s', $x, $z)";

At first I thought to nest all the "if ( is_array"
but that produced some funky loop.
So then I formatted as aboved.  Problem is all i'm
getting is the last element from each array into the
I'm thinking then, perhaps not nested , but the if is
arrays need to be formatted differently.


--- Graham Cossey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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