I'm using PHP to retrieve user input and store it in MySQL.  PHP's
addslashes function is used on data going into the database and PHP's
stripslashes function is being used on data coming from the database.  This
is allowing me to store and retrieve data with no problems, but it's causing
problems when trying to sort data.  In particular, data with double or
single quotes is getting escaped, which changes it's position in the sort.


For example, without using addslashes, I can sort by Title and end up with
the following results:


'Pizza' For Techies

Drinking Beer The OOP Way

The World According To Linus



But. if I use addslashes and try to sort by Title, I end up with:


Drinking Beer The OOP Way

The World According To Linus

\'Pizza\' For Techies


Is there a way to account for this?






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