this is some code i've written once that gets all supercategories from a mysql db... Take it as it is... It prints out a html-string of links like this:
Category : sub_cat1 : sub_cat2 : sub_cat3.

Maybe you can figure it out... it takes the current id (in your example catId13) as a parameter and goes up to the root...

function catPathRec($id, $show_lnk = false, $rtn_val="") {
global $link_id;
$katname = strtoupper(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT kat_namn AS kat FROM text_kat WHERE id = ".$id, $link_id), "kat"));
$hid = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT h_id AS hkat FROM text_kat WHERE id = ".$id, $link_id), "hkat");
if ($rtn_val == "") {
if ($show_lnk) { return ($hid == 0) ? ("<a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>") : (catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : <a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>")); }
else { return ($hid == 0) ? ($katname) : (catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : ".$katname)); }
else if ($hid != 0) { return catPathRec($hid, $show_lnk, " : <a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>".$rtn_val); }
return "<a href='text.php?action=kat&kat_id=".$id."' style='font-weight:normal;' onfocus='this.blur()'>".$katname."</a>".$rtn_val."\n";
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruno B B Magalhães" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:47 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Reverse (or backward?) Infinity Loop

Hi guys,

I have a normal categories table:


But I want when a user enters on:


A listing should apear like that:

• Category 1
     • Category 7
          • Category 13
• Category 2
• Category 3
• Category 4
• Category 5

A reverse (or backward) loop! We need to get the last category and then follow the ParentId until the 0 ParentId. Have anybody made this before (I hope so)?

Many Thanks,
Bruno B B Magalhaes

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