--- John Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> Print out the entire query before you run it. Syntax
> errors are usually 
> pretty obvious. If not, post the actual query here.

I found one possible syntax error and fixed it though
it seemed to have no effect.  I'm posting the entire
query in the reply to Bastien.

> So what's the value of $aWHERE after all 50 of
> these? print_r($aWHERE) 
> shows what?

Shows the entire array.  Regardless of whether a field
has input it still prints out the entire array, only
those fields without input show no value.

> And what's the value of $query_rsCS here? Print it
> out.

The is the entire query in total with all the where
clauses. It looks good.


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