I agree with this wholesale, except one thing should be noted...

If this content ever changes, and you need to be noting that, you'll
need some way of tracking what's been retranslated and what hasn't.  If
it never changes - consider yourself lucky, but as someone who works
with a translated app, I can tell you that you need to be tracking
anytime something changes (somewhere).  The second method makes it
harder to get specifics on this, but it allows you to easily know when a
given language doesn't have a translation at all.  If some content is in
1 language, some in 4, etc. - then you'll definitely want to be going
with the first way, hands down.

Summary (IMO):
        Add some metadata rows [last updated, translation notes, etc.]
(as applicable) and stick with method 1.

- Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257
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