Hi there!!!
This is one of my first postings to this list. I spend most of the time reading 
the postings, but now I need to ask:
How to build a link dinamicly from an output of a query to a web page?

Much clearly. I need that certain user can upload a text content into the web 
site. It doesn´t have to be made in a web format or design, it would be enough 
as a simple text. To do this I provide him with a form based in a database.  
That content will be save directly into a database (MySQL). There are other web 
page made in PHP that using a query will show the new text introduced by the 
user. The matter is that the user will introduce diferent contents on a 
diferent subjects, that is why I need that a link is generated authomaticly 
pointing to each web page that has being updated by that user. Taking into 
account that each new text is referenced as a row in the database. 

I thought that asking through the formulary for a name of the new link to the 
new content and then working with variables in a loop...... how to force a link 
to show up on a web page pointing to the propiate place authomaticly every time 
that a content is introduced for a new web page? 

I hope you understood my question.
Thank´s you all....


 NOTE: Please forgive my Englihs Grammar. I´m doing the best I can. I speak 

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