amol patil wrote:


i have changed file   signup1.php with login1.php, in action fied of form

<form name="form1" method="POST" action="----------">

and saved .

but when i run this file and click on submit button, it still shows old sighnup1.php. and data is also not entering in database. while it data was entering in databse before this. but not now with this change.

no error shown. only shows previous page and no data entry


Please slow down and do some basic debugging as Cpt. Holmes suggests. You need to be able to trace your form submittal every step of the way. You can do this by carefully observing your browser, page source (as it is received by your browser), your browser's Javascript console, your server logs (both access and error logs). You should insert debug statments in your script as necessary so you can tell exactly what is happening.

You have not responded to my previous reply, namely:

--Are you getting any messages in your webserver error log when you click on 'submit'? (And let me add: Are you even getting a second hit on your webserver access log when you submit your form? You may not be leaving the browser when you click on submit.)

--Try including an 'else' in your 'if' statement (along with a debug message) so you can see if the 'submit' is detected by your script when the form is submitted.


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