Novice Learner wrote:

I apologize if this is a very basic question.
I just started learing PHP and MySQL, I am reading "PHP and MySQL" by Larry Ullman, I also have access to PHP 5 by Julie Meloni. I reached Chapter 6 of Ullman's book and got stuck.
I have the following code:
<?php //This file contains the database access information. This file also establishes a connection
//to MYSQL and selects the database.
//Set the database access information as constants
define ('DB_USER', 'masud');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'masud');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'masud');
//Make the connection and then select the database
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
I have a normal MySQL user as "masud", whose password is also "masud" and a database also called "masud". All this for learning purpose.
I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\CTA\mysql_connect.php on line 13

The books says:
If you receive an error that claims mysql_connect() is an undefined function, it means that PHP has not been compiled with MySQL support.
I have been running a test script with <? phpinfo(); ?> and I get the results successfully.
This is correct. In your phpinfo output, look for MySQL support. If you find no mention of mysql in the output, it means mysql support is not activated. PHP support was included by default in PHP 4, but is not in PHP 5.

I am running Windows XP with Apache 2 server and PHP5 5.0.3

With PHP 5, you have to activate it yourself. MySQL support is no longer supported by default. There are two steps:

1) In your php.ini file, you need to uncomment the extension line for mysql. If you are using MySQL 4.0 or older, uncomment the line for php_mysql.dll. If you are using MySQL 4.1 or higher, uncomment the line for php_mysqli.dll

2) PHP needs to be able to find two files: php_mysql.dll (or php_mysqli.dll) and libmysql.dll. If you installed from the zip file, you have both. If you installed using the installer, you need to download the zip file which contains these files. Copy both files into your System32 directory.


I would appreciate if you could help me in any way, including pointing me to resources that can help get going.
Thank you,

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