On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 18:11:23 -0500, John Holmes
> OOzy Pal wrote:
> > Is it possible to have mysql at an ID as 20050105-1 as
> > (YYYYMMDD-1), -2, etc.
> automatically? No. But you can always just use
> SELECT CONCAT(date_column,'-',pk_column) AS fixed_id ...
> if you _really_ need something like this. Or just join them together in
> PHP.

I think the only downside to that solution is that the primary key
will continue to increment regardless of the day, and I think the
original poster wanted:


This would be a great place for a stored procedure, but I don't know
if I can recommend running MySQL 5 to you.  The most platform-safe way
I can think of is to get a count(*) of the number of rows with today's
date, add 1 to it, and stick that number on the end of the string
you've created to insert into a varchar field.  It's an extra query
per insert, but it'd do the job.

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