Robert Twitty wrote:

> The problem is caused by the fact that the sybase extension was installed
> instead of the mssql extension.  The sybase extension supports some of the
> mssql functions via aliasing. Unfortunately, mssql_init() is not supported
> by the sybase ext.  You basically have only 2 options:

> 1. Rebuild PHP with the mssql extension instead of the sybase extension.
> If you choose this option, you should upgrade to the latest versions of
> PHP and FreeTDS.

> 2. Build the shared version of the odbtp extension, which can be obtained
> at This option does not require you to
> rebuild PHP.  However, you will not be able to use the mssql_* functions
> aliased by the odbtp ext because of namespace conflicts with the mssql_*
> functions aliased by the sybase ext.

> Unless you have existing scripts that use the mssql_* functions, option 2
> may be you best choice. It provides better support for SQL Server.

> -- bob

> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Damien Babilon wrote:

> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I'm new to the list and new with php.
> >
> > I try to execute a stored procedure on a MSSQL server.
> > The web server is a Debian machine with:
> >
> > php4           4.1.2-6woody3
> > php4-sybase    4.1.2-6woody3
> > freetds0       0.53-7
> >
> > the mssql_connect function work right, but php give me back this message
when I try mssql_init:
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mssql_init() in
/var/www/eurogsmtest/test.php on line XX
> >
> > I searched on google, but did'n find anything, the I try this ML for last
> >
> > Can anyone help me please?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Damien
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Hi Robert,

I am having the same problem on FreeBSD. Unfortunately, it seems that PHP
version 4 is not supporting mssql_init() and mssql_execute(). I am going
to upgrade to php 5, may be it's gonna work.


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