I have a situation where I am doing lots of complex sorting on records that
already exist in a MySQL table. The table has a 'sort_order' field which
means I can do a simple ORDER BY sort_order to keep it nice and quick on
SELECT, it's only UPDATE which is slow.

If I change the order that I want 10000 rows to be displayed, I am currently
making 10000 SQL queries such as:

UPDATE products SET sort_order=0 WHERE id='5';
UPDATE products SET sort_order=1 WHERE id='2';
UPDATE products SET sort_order=2 WHERE id='32';
and so on.

Obviously I'd love to be able to put all of this into one query.

Is there some way I can combine this with IN() ?
UPDATE products set sort_order=**** WHERE id IN('5','2','32');

Many thanks in advance for any help / advice.

Best wishes,

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