no one can help me outta here ?

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 01:58:10 +0100, Zouari Fourat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> i made my own paginating class, it permit me to paginate over selected
> data and let me do good presentation (page 1, page 2 ...)
> i use adodb for db related functions, my application should show in
> every page this set of informations :
> Total results : Z, Total page : Y, You are on the page number X.
> To show thos informations, i must do a count on all the table, example :
> the query built from the form submitted by the user is :
> select * from table where column=value and column like 'value%'
> to paginate that query, i'll add some LIMIT or LIMIT OFFSET for pgsql
> (it's adodb frontend) so i'll get only the data for one page !
> i use this query :
> select count(*) from table
> with that global count i can calculate how much pages i have by
> dividing count on the number of rows to show per page.
> with this method, the server will suffer for big tables...
> it's a method that i've made without consulting what people do, can
> you do this with only ONE query so i can optimise ?
> thank you for your help

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