Oops...  Correction to the last line of the script.
        <?php } while ($blah = mysql_fetch_array($exclude_results)); ?>

        Should be...
      <?php } while ($blah = array_shift($temp)); ?>
Scott Nipp
Phone:  (214) 858-1289
Web:  http:\\ldsa.sbcld.sbc.com

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI)  
> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 10:47 AM
> To:   'php-db@lists.php.net'
> Subject:      Further MySQL query problems...
>       I am having trouble in the following code.  Basically, I want to
> query two separate database tables and then generate an array from
> these two queries.  The first query will return a list of ALL systems.
> The second query will return a list of systems that should be
> excluded.  The problem is that this is getting me nowhere.  Here is
> the pertinent code...
> $query = "SELECT CPU_Hostname FROM AllMid_Data
>                 WHERE CPU_IN_SVC = \"Y\"
>                 AND CPU_DNS = \"sbcld.sbc.com\"
>                 ORDER BY CPU_Hostname ASC";
> $results = mysql_query($query, $Prod) or die(mysql_error());
> $system = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_NUM);
> $exclude_query = "SELECT hostname FROM exclusion";
> $exclude_results = mysql_query($exclude_query, $Prod);
> $exclude = mysql_fetch_array($exclude_results, MYSQL_NUM);
> $temp = array_diff($system, $exclude);
>     <?php do {
>       $sys = $blah[0];
>       echo "<tr>"; ?>
>  <?php echo $sys; ?>
>       <?php echo "</tr>"; } ?>
>     <?php } while ($blah = mysql_fetch_array($exclude_results)); ?>
>       I have cut out a lot of extraneous stuff that I don't think is
> pertinent.  Please let me know if you see something causing my
> problems.  The first query table has about 900 entries and the query
> returns about 90 hostnames.  The exclude table query has only 13
> hostnames and obviously returns all.  I am looking for a way to
> display the approximately 77 entries that are NOT in the exclude
> table.  Thanks again.
> Scott Nipp
> Phone:  (214) 858-1289
> Web:  http:\\ldsa.sbcld.sbc.com

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