Hi all,

i am very perplexed now and i hope you guys can help me.

i am reading 50,000 records from mySQL database and i need to print them out in 
a report format. However, i also need to print a page number through PHP on all 
the pages (for example, "Page 1 of 200") and display a header and a footer.

i know i can print out a header and footer using HTML <thead> and <tfoot>. 
However, the <tfoot> doesn't always stay at the bottom of the page. For 
example, if the the last page only have 2 records, the <tfoot> will appear 
pretty high on the page.

i am wondering how can i use PHP to fix the position of my header and footer 
and also display my page numbers and total number of pages to be printed.

all help is very much appreciated!!!! 

thank you,
hwee :o)

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