Hi Leo,

We are having the same problem.  Check out the bug I filed many months ago
http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30808  I can't for the life of me figure out
why the bug is suspended, as this seems to be a common issue with Oracle and
php5.  Perhaps you should also and your comments to the bug report.

To "resolve" the issue, we do an apache restart every time the db goes down.
This flushes whatever connections php pools to Oracle (sounds weird
considering we are doing oci8nlogon).

I really hope that the OCI8 library gets some serious attention soon.  In my
mind this is a show stopper, and it appears that there are a few other big
ones lying around...


-----Original Message-----
From: Leo D. Geoffrion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:27 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DB] Losing the ability to connect to Oracle database

I recently upgraded to PHP5 and now have a curious Oracle problem.

The PHP scripts query the database fine.  Then overnight, the database 
shuts down for backup and restarts.  The next day, PHP can no longer 
connect to the database until I restart Apache.  Then, it's happy until 
Oracle restarts the next night.

We did not encounter this problem with PHP4.

I've tried adjusting the php command from the old ocilogon() to 
oci_connect() but the problem continues.  Incidentally, I am using a 
simple connection, not a persistent one.

Can someone advise what's wrong here or how to get PHP/Apache to survive 
a database restart.

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