Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office) wrote:
> Is there a way to transfer post data to a series of PHP pages?
> For example, lets say I have the following 4 pages:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page does another thing with the post data
> Page4.php - this page shows the results of everything I have done
> Right now I am using the header: <?header("Location: page3.php");?>
> The problem is, the following works:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page shows the results of everything I have done
> But when I try to add the second transfer the data is lost:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page does another thing with the post data
> Page4.php - Only the results from Page2.php are shown!!!!
> ASP does this with <%Server.Transfer ("transferpage1.asp")%>
> Is there a counterpart with PHP?
> - Matthew

Martin Norland wrote:
>> include() :P

>> seriously though, Page1.php and Page4.php are the only two pages that 
>> should exist, if any.  Page2 and Page3 should pretty much guaranteed be 

>> turned into function calls or classes and called from Page4.php.  You 
>> don't need to separate logic and display in separate scripts that you 
>> push everything at, just separate your logic out into function calls.

What Martin suggests makes a lot of sense. Can you say something about why 
you have the site design the way that you do?


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