Shawn Singh wrote:
that was very helpful...Thank you.  One question I have is that I want
to ensure that my admin page cannot get accessed unless a variable
that was registered upon a successful login has been passed into the
session...what can I do to ensure this?

There are several ways to do this. The simplest way is to authenticate once and store a authentication flag in the session. You can set this authentication flag to true if the log-in was sucesfull.

On the administration page, you an just access the flag to see if the user is permitted (i.e. logged on). You can do this using the $_SESSION super global, something like this:

(pseudo php code) login.php

        if ( authentication sucessfull ) /* username/password matched*/
                $_SESSION['auth'] = true;
                // redirect to admin page
                Display login page with error.


        if ( $_SESSION['auth'] )
                Show administration page.
                Display login page with error.

NB: Make sure you use Header() redirects BEFORE your scripts prints anything. Otherwise you'll keep getting the warning/error "Warning: Cannot modify header information ..."

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