I'm trying to write a query that pulls details on a game record, as well as
the officials assigned to the game (up to 4 officials may be assigned to
each game, but that's not always the case).

Game details are in the games table, and assignments are in the
games_referees table (which I alias as referee,ar1,ar2, and fourth).  

Ultimately, I want all the games for a given date, and the referees assigned
to them.  Below is the query I'm working with so far.  In its current state,
it returns results only when a full crew is assigned to the game (referee,
ar1,ar2, fourth).  The query is below:

SELECT g. * , concat( ref.fname,  ' ', ref.lname )  AS ref, concat(
ar1.fname,  ' ', ar1.lname )  AS ar1, concat( ar2.fname,  ' ', ar2.lname )
AS ar2, concat( fourth.fname,  ' ', fourth.lname )  AS fourth
FROM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( games g
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN games_referees ref_ass ON ( g.id = ref_ass.gnum )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN people ref ON ( ref.login = ref_ass.referee )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN games_referees ar1_ass ON ( g.id = ar1_ass.gnum )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN people ar1 ON ( ar1.login = ar1_ass.referee )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN games_referees ar2_ass ON ( g.id = ar2_ass.gnum )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN people ar2 ON ( ar2.login = ar2_ass.referee )  )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN games_referees fourth_ass ON ( g.id = fourth_ass.gnum )
RIGHT  OUTER  JOIN people fourth ON ( fourth.login = fourth_ass.referee )  )
WHERE ref_ass.position =1 AND ar1_ass.position =2 AND ar2_ass.position =3
AND fourth_ass.position =4 AND g.date =  '2004-09-25'

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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